Friday, May 7, 2010

Just Like That 1

Hey there, my name is Bedour, I am 16. This is a true story, my story.
I have an older brother, Thunayan. He's 18 and acts as if he's my father, I guess that's only because he's so over-protective of me. But I love him, he might be a PIA sometimes but after all it's only because he cares about me. I have a mother & father il7amdillah which I love so much.
My best friend is Lulu, but she's my big sister at the end of the day. She's always there for me. I've known her since I was 6 & not once have we fought!

My favourite place in this world is the beach. Honsestly, I can't think of a better place to take out all that I bottle up inside of me. I love it, I love it, I just do. Which is why I joined a club, and ever since, I go there almost every day. The unexpected journey of my life began there..

Rajoo had just dropped me off at ClubX at 6:00pm, as usual.

Bedour: Rajoo ta3al after 2 hours, ok?
Rajoo: ok ok eeeshala (enshallah)

I grabbed my bag, got down & adjusted my white top over my FreeCity baby blue trainers & walked in.
On my way there I noticed no familiar faces which is why I loved that club so much. I hated distractions..
I went to my usual spot at the beach & pulled my knees up to my chest while I played some music.

Sean Kingston - Wrap you around me
Come over here & give me some of that somthing that you got
Take my hand, take my heart, take me anywhere you are
When im loosin' my mind and this maddness just wont stop
I think about you, I think about me, I think about us together
I think of your eyes lookin' at mine
& Im better, better
This world's too much for me to take, come give me some; some sweet escape
Get next to me come, close to me, wrap hold of me
wrap you around me, wrap you around me

I stared at the moon's reflection at the beach's shore. I thought about what it would be like to love & to be loved, to care & to be cared for. Oh how ironic I thought..
It was getting a little late & Rajoo was going to be here in about 10 minutes. I decided to get up & walk around during that time. As I got up I noticed what I had'nt noticed earlier. There was someone else sitting there, someone of pure masculinity. All I could see were his sharp eyes reflecting me like the shore reflected the moon. He was staring at me, his look burnt deep through my soul. It was as if he had known me, as if he understood me. Although I was frozen in thought, I think it was time for me to start moving those muslces again, yea?
I walked passed him still listening to my iPod, something, or may I say HE tugged at my earphones, making them fall below my neck. RUDE much?
I kept walking before he demonstrates another one of his awkwardly attractive actions and before I placed my earphones in my ears again he spoke.

: Shismech?
Bedour: mo shighlik..

Who was he? Why did he want to know my name? Why did he do what he did? Why me?

Just like that, I was curious.



  1. Great start, keep it up !


  2. -*: Thankyoooou;*

    N: Enshallah, thanks a lot for commenting!!:*

  3. continuee;DD!!

  4. F;** enshallah once I finish with stupid exams;/

    Faroufa;thank you ! :*:*:*

    I began writing another story, If you'd like to check it out please do.
    here's the link!

  5. ;D 7bait il start of it it sounds good, i cant wait to hear the rest of the story

  6. Hey guys, it's me Bee
    I forgot my password;s
    trying to change it now..
